CMA Exam Academy Affiliates
Become a Brand Ambassador and Earn Passive Income
It’s quick, easy, and FREE! Get a unique tracking code that accounts for every visitor you refer to us from your website, email blasts, or social media campaigns.
When a visitor makes a purchase on this website via your unique tracking code, you will get a 10% commission of the net sales price. You send them our way, we’ll do the rest. There is no cap to the amount of commission you can earn each month.
Commissions are paid out on the 15th of each month for sales commissions earned the previous month.
We’ll provide you with banners, promotional images, and marketing material to help your campaigns be an absolute success.
You will have your own brand ambassador/affiliate account to track visitors, purchases and commissions earned so you know exactly how your links are performing each day.
Fill the form below to become our brand ambassador, today!