“English is my second language”

Read on to discover how you can pass the CMA exam even if your English isn’t great

Thanks for answering the question! Clearly, you’re serious about passing the CMA.

If you’re having a hard time translating study material from English, then you’ve fallen into what I call the “Stuffy Professor Trap.”

Let me explain what that is and what it means for you. So you can overcome it and pass the exam your first time.

When I began studying for my CMA exam, I’d spend 30 hours/week with my nose in the books. A lot of that time was spent staring at the same question over and over, trying to make sense of it.


How I felt when I started studying for the CMA Exam

In a 5-hour study session, I might spend 1 hour on a single multiple choice problem. Once I figured it out, I’d forget it a few days later!

This continued for months until I began to change my strategy.

After figuring out one of those time-consuming tricky problems, I’d translate them into terms I that were easy for me to understand. Once I did that, they not only made sense, but they were easy to remember.

Had someone explained these problems in simple, easy to understand terms from the start, I could have saved hundreds of hours of study time!

Here’s why this is so important
for non-native English speakers

All the CMA prep material is made to sound professional. So it’s laced with complicated accounting jargon which makes the material seems 10X more difficult than it is.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to know the accounting jargon. But learning accounting concepts through advanced terms makes the material way harder than learning them through simple, easy to understand terms.

Hence it takes so long and causes so much headache.

As I experimented with this, I cut my study time down from 30 hours/week to 15. I passed the exam my first time, and earn a promotion plus a $130,000 salary within 4 months. Which helped me pay off my $100,000 in debt faster than I thought possible.

Since then, for the past 3 years, I’ve been teaching people in plain English how to prepare for the exam in less time, less effort, and pass on their first try.  

I even created and Institute of Management Accounting textbooks that made it easy for people to learn from. Here’s what students who are not native English speakers say about it:

“Simple language which helps better understand the concepts” Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 4.41.30 PM

“Your material is easy to understand and learn”Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 4.42.00 PMStudents like my CMA study material because it’s easy to understand

Because I make simple concepts easy to understand, over half of my students are people who are not native English speakers.

Screen-Shot-2017-02-14-at-5.02.59-PMOver 50% of my students are not native English speakers

And now I want to help you by giving you some of my best CMA exam prep material for free.

Free training to pass the CMA your first time — free!

Because you’re serious about passing the CMA, you’re invited to join an upcoming free 3-part training course: “Become CMA Certified Within A Year”

This is a video series gives you the tools, mindsets, and strategy to pass the exam your first time.


It uses easy-to-understand language and covers things you won’t see anywhere else. It lays the foundation of what to do before you crack open a single textbook or practice exam (but if you’ve already begun studying that’s okay. This will still help.)

Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn:

Day 1: Mastering the Mental game

Discover the 4 biggest fears holding people back and how to overcome them. Here’s a peek at what we’ll cover:

  • How to find time to study even if you’re already working 10 hours/day and have a family. Plus, a trick to absorb more material by studying less
  • How to eliminate procrastination and make rapid, consistent progress — even when you’re tired or unmotivated
  • How to overcome your fear of failure and walk into the exam room knowing that test doesn’t stand a chance against you
  • Proof you don’t need any experience or prerequisites to pass the test. (I’ve had students still in undergrad and others who’d never take an accounting course pass the first time.)

Day 2: CMA exam made easy

Avoid the “common wisdom” that’s causing you to waste time studying the wrong things and discover what to focus on instead. Here’s a look at what we’ll cover:

  • The one thing the vast majority of the 70% of test takers who fail have in common (and how you can pass in less time, with less effort, while saving money)
  • Why “studying longer and harder” will set you up for failure (and the discovery I made the helped me retain 80% of what I learned and gave me way more free time)
  • The dangers of live study classes: Why they leave you unprepared and “utterly confused” even when your instructor knows his stuff

Day 3: Success tools to study smarter, not harder

Discover how you can create an environment that forces you to stay focused and take large steps forward no matter what. What we’ll cover includes:

  • Exactly how much time you should study to pass (it depends on a few things…)
  • 2 ways to save money when preparing for the CMA exam (and even take it for free!)
  • Why memorizing textbooks is a colossal waste of time, and the simple tools for studying smarter, not harder. (These tools bring you from a 30% chance of passing to 80%)

By the end of the course, you’ll know exactly what it’ll take to pass the exam this year.

If you’re ready for the 6-figure salary, respect, and pride from having that CMA hanging on your wall, then sign up for the “Become CMA Certified Within A Year” training.

Let’s cross this off your to-do list once and for all.