“I’m afraid I won’t know the content
and won’t do well in the exam”

Thanks for answering our question! You’re clearly committed to passing the CMA exam.

If you ever find yourself studying for the CMA exam thinking “I’m never going to get this” then listen closely.

You may have a problem which I call “The Confidence Crash”.

Let me explain what that is and what it means for you. So you can overcome it and pass the exam your first time. Even if you have no experience or find the material confusing.

You may look at the sheer amount of information you need to know and feel overwhelmed.

You spend days memorizing a formula only to forget it a week later. You’re not sure what you need to focus on, how to prepare for essays, etc. You find whole sections you don’t understand and take forever to solve.

You’re not alone. Every year students come to me because they don’t feel confident they can learn the CMA exam material. They say things like:

  • “I have keen interest to do CMA but don’t know where to start from as my basics are very weak in accounting.”

  • I attend coaching classes for CMA but don’t know how to prepare for the exam, sometimes I would freak out when I’m solving online MCQs and don’t know what to study for essay questions too.”

  • “I’ve been studying lately but I have a problem knowing what to focus more on.”

Yes, this exam is hard. Which is why the rewards — a 6-figure salary, respect from your boss, and being first in line for a promotion — are so great.

But your issue isn’t a lack of knowledge or confidence. The real problem is you weren’t given the right tools to be successful.

While the material out there is solid, it’s not tailored to you.

Instead of using clear, easy to understand language, it uses jargon that it makes simple concepts difficult to understand. So you waste hours on a problem that could be explained in 30 seconds by a normal human instead of a textbook.

Even when you do understand a subject you don’t know when to move on. So you take a practice test then find yourself asking “Okay, now what?”

And you don’t learn how to study in a way so you retain more in less time.

That’s where I come in.

My name is Nathan Liao and 5 years ago, I was $100,000 in debt working as an accountant, earning $42,000/year.

Living paycheck to paycheck with no end in sight to my debt, I had to make a change. And I knew CMA was my ticket to a 6-figure salary and no debt.

I started studying 30 hours/week. But was constantly frustrated, feeling like I wasn’t making progress.


How I felt when I started studying for the CMA Exam

For the first 6 months, that’s how studying went. But over time, I developed techniques for better retention. So I could learn more spending half as much time studying.

I learned how to make difficult problems simple to understand by eliminating the jargon. And I developed tools and formulas to save time and make studying easier.

Three years ago, I started teaching these methods to others who felt confused and overwhelmed. I even created my own IMA approved textbook to that made studying easier.

Which, as you can see, has been very helpful for people.

“Simple language which helps better understand the concepts” Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 4.41.30 PM

“Your material is easy to understand and learn”Screen Shot 2017-02-14 at 4.42.00 PMStudents like my CMA study material because it’s easy to understand

Now I want to teach you exactly what it takes to pass your first time, for free.

Free training: “Become CMA Certified Within A Year”

In an upcoming 3-part training, you’re going to learn what you need to know to pass the CMA exam the first time. You’ll also learn how to study so you retain more in less time.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

This free training covers things you won’t see in textbooks, video courses, or anywhere else.


Here’s a peek at what you’ll learn:

Day 1: Mastering the Mental game

Discover the 4 biggest fears holding people back and how to overcome them. Here’s a peek at what we’ll cover:

  • How to find time to study even if you’re already working 10 hours/day and have a family. Plus, a trick to absorb more material by studying less
  • How to eliminate procrastination and make rapid, consistent progress — even when you’re tired or unmotivated
  • How to overcome your fear of failure and walk into the exam room knowing that test doesn’t stand a chance against you
  • Proof you don’t need any experience or prerequisites to pass the test. (I’ve had students still in undergrad and others who’d never take an accounting course pass the first time.)

Day 2: CMA exam made easy

Avoid the “common wisdom” that’s causing you to waste time studying the wrong things and discover what to focus on instead. Here’s a look at what we’ll cover:

  • The one thing the vast majority of the 70% of test takers who fail have in common (and how you can pass in less time, with less effort, while saving money)
  • Why “studying longer and harder” will set you up for failure (and the discovery I made the helped me retain 80% of what I learned and gave me way more free time)
  • The dangers of live study classes: Why they leave you unprepared and “utterly confused” even when your instructor knows his stuff

Day 3: Success tools to study smarter, not harder

Discover how you can create an environment that forces you to stay focused and take large steps forward no matter what. What we’ll cover includes:

  • Exactly how much time you should study to pass (it depends on a few things…)
  • 2 ways to save money when preparing for the CMA exam (and even take it for free!)
  • Why memorizing textbooks is a colossal waste of time, and the simple tools for studying smarter, not harder. (These tools bring you from a 30% chance of passing to 80%)

By the end of the course, you’ll know exactly what it’ll take to pass the exam this year.

If you’re ready for the 6-figure salary, respect, and pride from having that CMA hanging on your wall, then sign up for the “Become CMA Certified Within A Year” training.

Let’s cross this off your to-do list once and for all.